Thursday, December 10, 2009

Exercise is Transforming

After another 6 week hiatus from high intensity aerobic exercise, it feels great to be sweating again. After surgery to fix a hernia and other triplet pregnancy mishaps, my doctor recently gave me the clear to start running and weight training again. Since I was walking regularly within days of my surgery, I have bounced back to my old exercise routine quickly. It is amazing what exercising a few days/week; (and I’m not talking a brisk walk; I’m talking sweat running down your face and the feeling that you just can’t push any harder) can do for your sleep, energy levels, and overall well-being. We all know the amazing health benefits of lowered blood pressure, increased insulin sensitivity and decreased risk of heart disease with exercise. However, the benefits to an apparent “healthy” individual are also priceless. I assure you as “magical” as exercise seems to be, a basic understanding of exercise physiology explains it all. Let’s look at a couple examples:

1. Exercise is a stress-reliever - Exercise sends messages to your brain to release stress-fighting neurotransmitters and hormones such as adrenaline, which gives you an immediate “high”. A daily abundance of these hormones can lead to exhaustion. However, with regular exercise overall daily levels of these hormones, as well as the stress hormone cortisol are lowered.

2. Exercise increases your energy throughout the day - Aerobic exercise actually increases the number of mitochondria in your cell. These are the “power-houses” of cell and are responsible for producing ATP (energy). In addition, exercise increases your stroke volume resulting in a decreased resting heart rate. Your heart is having to work less during rest. Feel like you have more energy during the day when you are exercising regularly, you do!

3. Exercise turns you into a fat burning machine – Strength training builds muscles by increasing the size of muscle fibers. Muscles take an amazing amount of energy to maintain. Rather than storing extra calories as fat, muscles use the calories to maintain their new “build”. In addition, you actually increase the function of enzymes responsible for transporting and digesting fat such as Co-A, and carnatine transferase. So, truly you are a fat burning machine.

4. Exercise helps you sleep better – People who exercise fall asleep faster, sleep more soundly are less likely to suffer from insomnia. Going back to point 1, people who exercise have lower levels of cortisol and other stress hormones that can disturb sleep. In addition, some research suggests exercise promotes a natural rise and fall in body temperature that stimulates restful sleep.

The benefits of exercise easily take up volumes of books. The reasons are scientifically clear. We all know exercise is good for us but let’s not forget why. We are actually physiologically transforming our bodies and our minds into an overall stronger, healthier, and better biological system. It is no wonder exercise appears so “magical”.


Sleep Medicine Reviews, Volume 4, Issue 4, Pages 387-402

J Physiol (2006) 571: 201-10

The Journal of Biological Chemistry, May 10, 1967,242: 2278-2282.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Too Much of a Good Thing

Great news, some of your favorite foods are good for you!" Doesn't it feel great when your favorite health magazine declares that chocolate, pecans and olive oil make you younger and healthier! I agree, there is nothing better than sipping a cup of coffee and enjoying nuts and chocolate guilt free. But alas, like everything in life moderation is key.

I recently worked with a client who fit the perfect mold of “too much of a good thing.” She wasn't working out regularly and was putting on weight for the first time in years. She claimed her diet was “impeccable” so she didn't understand why the numbers on the scale continued to rise. Here was her typical diet:

Breakfast - a slice of toast with 2 tbs. natural peanut butter, “natural peanut butter is full of fats that lower your cholesterol”. 2 tbs peanut butter = 16 grams fat.

Mid-morning – A Venti Starbucks Mocha, the full-fat version, “some studies show benefits to drinking the fat found in 2% milk versus consuming fat-free skim”. Venti Mocha (2% milk) = 17 grams fat

Lunch - Salad with olive oil, “olive oil has a high ratio of unsaturated to saturated fat making it a healthy choice”. 1 tbs olive oil = 14 grams fat

Afternoon snack - a handful of pecans, “healthy fat and filling”. ¼ cup pecans = 22 grams fat

Dinner - grilled meat, often chicken but red meat a few times/week and vegetables. Oh and sometimes a piece of bread with 1 tbs. full fat butter, “some fat is good for you” 3.5-ounce pot roast = 10 grams fat, 1 tbs butter = 14 grams fat

Nighttime Snack - a cup of decaf and a few chunks of chocolate, “the 70%+ dark chocolate because dark chocolate is suppose to be great for your health”. Two chunks dark chocolate = 13 grams fat

Total daily fat = 106 grams! This is too much of a good thing.

According to the USDA website, this client should have been consuming closer to 50 grams of fat to maintain her current weight. She would probably want to consume closer to 30 grams to lose weight but she was consuming almost three times this amount! Needless to say, this client’s blood pressure and cholesterol were high.

So how can you include these yummy “health” foods into your diet? MODERATION.

Write down everything you eat, including measurements and use an online calorie calculator such as the USDA MyPyramid Tracker. This will help you determine if you have become victim to “too much of a good thing”.

Alternate peanut butter with an all-natural fruit spread or honey on your toast. Try substituting some “low fat” alternatives to “healthy fats” such as skim milk and low fat dressing. Try saving high fat chocolates for a Friday night treat and grab a peppermint patty or a 100-calorie snack pack for a desert. And even though pomegranate juice may be loaded with anti-oxidants, don’t drink several glasses a day.

Let’s face it. It feels good to consume foods that taste great and are “healthy”. But basic nutrition guidelines cannot be thrown out the window just because the New York Times claimed "chocolate can make you look 10 years younger". Be smart, practice moderation, and enjoy some peanut butter...from time to time.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nutrition and Fitness: Like peanut butter and jelly

Just like peanut butter and jelly are needed to make a perfect PB&J, nutrition and fitness must go hand in hand. Proper nutrition delivers the right amounts of carbs, fats, protein, vitamins and minerals to keep our bodies running. Fitness provides the right amount of activity to keep our physiological systems primed and manicured. Current advances in medicine and sports science have shown the power exercise and nutrition concurrently play on hormonal balance, brain function, and overall life satisfaction.

Thankfully, we have been so bombarded with the importance of proper nutrition and exercise, almost everyone knows sport's science's famous adage, "30 min./day of physical activity" and the USDA's "food pyramid". I'm fairly certain almost everyone can make a list of physical activities they "could" do on a daily basis and a nutritional daily diet they "could" follow. Like any list, the hard part is remembering to follow it.

Personal trainers and nutritionist can help you stick to your "lists" and meet your goals. But remember, nutrition and fitness must go hand-in-hand. Your personal trainer should have a basic education in nutrition and be able to help you reach your nutritional goals. However, unless they hold a license in nutrition, in most states they are not able to prescribe a specific meal plan. Similarly, most nutritionist have some education in basic exercise physiology and can probably recommend some general exercise guidelines. However, this does not mean they can spot incorrect exercise form or know heart rate training methods.

Everyone needs a bit of extra guidance and motivation at some point in their lives. Deciding whether to consult with a nutritionist and/or a personal trainer depends on your goals, willpower, and strengths. The most important thing to remember is nutrition and exercise are like peanut butter and jelly and you deserve the goodness of both. Rest assured any qualified personal trainer or nutritionist will incorporate both exercise and nutrition into your wellness plan. And, if your needs fall outside of one of our scopes of practice, we all are friends so we'll be sure to refer you to someone who can help.

Eat well and play hard!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Want Some Incentive...Take That!

I'm BACK! It has been one heck of a year. After over 6,000 diapers, 200 loads of laundry and many sleepless nights, my triplets have turned one and I feel like I've conquered the world! I wish it had been easy but nothing about getting back into shape, getting life in balance, or raising multiple babies is. Although life is still a whirlwind, I am squeezing in the time to get back to what I love, spreading the word on the awesomeness of a sound body and mind. And yes, despite my crazy life, I did run that 5K last March, finishing a surprising 5th in my age group.

June 2008 - Pregnant with the triplets, on month 2 of bedrest and 75 pounds heavier

June 2009 - I'm Back and with a family to boot!

Honestly, we have all had these kind of years...or at least these kind of weeks. Finding the time to workout, or to breathe, can be a challenge. Finding the motivation can be downright impossible. That is why my favorite motto for exercise and for many situations in life is "it is easier to act yourself into a new way of feeling rather than feel yourself into a new way of acting". When your having "one of those weeks" (and I know because my past 52 weeks have been "one of those weeks"), throw your workout clothes on and head out the door before you give yourself a chance to dwell on your exhaustion. Fifteen minutes into your workout take a VERY deep breath and remind yourself how wonderful life is. By this time, your endorphin levels will have kicked in and you will be feeling like the proud, strong, awesome person you know you are. The exhaustion of life will be a distant memory and you will gain the strength to take on another fabulous day.

Have you worked out today? If not, don't think...just put on those shoes and go!