The newest obesity statistics are out. 1 in 4 people are obese, defined as weighing ~30 pounds over their healthy weight. These are the highest obesity rates yet. We've all seen the ominous trend depicted in a US maps like the one below. As Americans, we just keep getting fatter.
Colorado and DC seem to be the only places in America where a significant amount of people have their weight under control. What are they doing right and what are we doing wrong?
Unfortunately, there is no easy answer. Most likely, public transportation, healthier eating patterns, and a more active lifestyle are to thank. But as Americans, we need to take responsibility for our health. It is time to stop blaming the donut shops and our demanding jobs. The fact is, we have to challenge our old patterns, commit to our new priorities, and conquer unhealthy lifestyles for good.
Knowing the enormous negative impact an unhealthy body composition has on our health is not enough. We need a game plan. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Write out your goals - schedule in your workouts: 1 hour EVERY DAY. Make a regular exercise routine the norm, not the exception.
Stop frequenting damaging restaurants - Do you drop in at your favorite buffet every Sunday? Stop. Unless your getting their healthiest option and a reasonable serving size, reserve these visits for special occasions. And by all means, make sure you know the nutritional value of everything you eat.
Get support - Studies show when people have the support of friends and family, they fare much better. Join a group fitness class like bootcamp or hire a personal trainer or nutritionist. Support makes you more accountable and successful!
Evaluate your priorities - If there is one area you should be spending your money on, it is your health. Taking care of yourself should come before new accent pillows for your house or a new dress.
Reward yourself - Nothing about losing weight or changing unhealthy patterns is easy. Focus on little achievements and be sure to reward yourself with a massage, a new piece of clothing or anything non-food related that makes you happy. You deserve it.
Life is much brighter when we are in control of our future. It's time we Americans Challenge, Commit and Conquer our unhealthy patterns for good.